According cooperation agreement and partnership with Oyu Tolgoi LLC, the company made considerable contribution in economical and social development of local communities of Umnugobi province through organizing trades training for sustainable employment since 2017.
The company involved unemployed and unqualified residents of Umnugobi province in the pre-employment training in fields of 10 trades together with attainment of life skills and employment skills so over 70% of the graduates found their workplaces leading to increase of local employment rate.
In period of training year of 2019-2020 total 63 graduates of trades training at SkillsTech TVET center and Umnugobi Polytechnic college were enrolled in pre-employment courses and the students are successfully continuing their learning in the fields of trades they chose.
Today we are cooperating with Umnugobi Polytechnic College in design and development of pre-employment training curricula for trades demanded by employers and labor market.